

It is necessary, to ensure the quality of the final products, to pay special attention to all process right from the felling of the tree, as these processes can impact on the quality of the timber.

We have professional and trained teams in the extraction of wood using specialized equipment. We execute the cutting and felling of trees quickly and efficiently, guaranteeing the satisfaction of the owner, complying with the phytosanitary rules and respect for the forest. The purchase of high-quality raw material is also a constant concern of the company, always choosing the best Portuguese forest for timber extraction.


The procedures used in the industrial processing of wood are crucial to the final quality of the product and its application.

The wooden logs should be sawn according to their future use, in order to obtain the desired product.

The many years of accumulated experience of Serração de Parada combined with new knowledge grained in this operation allows it to optimize the obtaining of quality wood, eliminating areas which cause more defects.


Air drying is insufficient for use in furniture and carpentry where dimensional stability is critical to product quality.

Controlled artificial drying has the following advantages:

Increases dimensional stability; – Increases the mechanical properties of wood, reduces attack by micro-organisms; – Increases efficiency in impregnation with preservatives in industrial processes; – Improves thermal and electrical insulation of the material, improves bonding conditions, among others.

The wood should be dried to a final moisture content depending on the type of use intended for it. The drying process varies according to the wood species.


The Artur Campos Lda company was among the first companies in Portugal to use the Bethell process for the treatment of wood in autoclave. This process uses two vacuum stages, one called an initial vacuum (VI) and the other final vacuum (VF), separated by a phase of positive pressure relative to atmospheric pressure.

Three essential requirements are considered to ensure the treatment quality: penetration, retention and homogeneous distribution of the preservative in the wood.


We have equipment that provides a smooth or profiled finish on the surfaces of wooden pieces.


In order to meet the needs of our customers and the application of our products, we have carpentry services.


We provide our own fleet to deliver orders to our customers.

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